the demon that almost ate me

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

So, I was almost eaten by a demon. He/She slipped inside my body sometime before my birthday. Maybe three weeks before. While living inside me it started planting ideas that involved me becoming a hairstylist, or an interior designer. It was convincing me that it's voice was my intuition and that I was really a different person. And then it gave me laryngitis to prove that my voice wasn't necessary for where I was going. And then it started to give me a rash (my skin cancer) that could not be explained by Dr.'s nor cured by any medication. This was a full force attack that I was too weak for, and slowly I started to succumb to my inevitable doom. But sometimes in life, things work out and people enter at perfect times, and such was the case for me.

First off, I have started to sing backups for my friend Ad Frank. He will only let me do it if it doesn't interfere with my own stuff. I hope it doesn't because he is an incredible talent, and sharing the stage with him and his band is such a wonderful experience. Ad is a fantastic writer and I'm hoping (for my own selfish reasons) that it will inspire and rub off on me. We are completely different songwriters, but I am always looking to grow and change and I think the experience will be beneficial.

Secondly, a friend and I were able to get together and shoot the shit over fig infused bourbon manhattans. It was during this coversation that we became aware of the fact that I was indeed posessed and needed to do some fierce fighting or I would fall off the earth in a most undwewhelming fashion. If you gotta go, go big, and I will not let myself just disappear. This girl is up for the fight and I just needed a good ass kicking to get with it.

Now my only problem is that I have all this music in my head and no lyrics. Which is a first, it's usually the opposite. But I would rather have this problem instead of deciding what haircut looks best on certain face types, or wondering how I can devote myself to fabric covered walls, and pricey rugs.


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