away we go

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I have tried to write blogs for the past two months, but I don’t know where to begin. Mom was right, if people are happy they don’t call. At least I don’t.

In the past two months I have moved my house and belongings, saw the Richard Serra exhibit in NYC (astounding), rehearsed like a motherfucker, wrote a song that I love, ate lots of great food therefore gaining some poundage, agonized and exalted, saw Rufus Wainwright and Morrissey (both shows were life changing), and while doing all this I have tried to wrap my head around this feeling of lightness. And not an unbearable lightness, but a serene lightness where you have to remind yourself that you are in a moment and not just watching a movie. I am happy. I’m pretty sure that I am happy. No, I am happy. And I’m busy. And that’s my favorite. It’s a good time to make a record.

I’m pretty sure that it was 2003 that I recorded my first album. Up until that point, I barely performed in clubs or went out to see shows. I was a yellow dandelion, fresh and young, not ready to send my seeds around as far as they could reach. The album I recorded was sweet and aurally interesting. Lots of people donated their time and I was very humbled by their interest in the project. The album, though favored by some, lacks songwriting skills and is focused more on the overall sound. There are tons of layers in almost every track; the piano is a flourish and not a main component. If I knew how to imbed a photo, and if I had the photo, I would put up my high school picture as a visual representation of what that album sounds like to me. Imagine me with long hair and a faerie necklace.

Sad but true.

It is now 2007, and after many stops and starts my album will begin it’s recording process at the end of the month. I will be enlisting friends that I love and respect to play on it and to help record. I’m so fucking psyched. I’m so fucking psyched! I’m so fucking psyched!! I love these songs, in fact I love too many of these songs and have to somehow cut some out of the picture. That was always my plan, but now looking at the list I am sad that some of these won’t graduate to this album. But maybe they’ll make the next one. In 2015.

The St.Vincent record ‘Marry Me’ rocks the house. She’s super supreme awesome. Every time she has come to Boston in the last year I have been out of town. Hopefully not next time.

I’m reading ‘Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates’ by Tom Robbins. It’s pretty great. You have to be in the right mood to read Tom Robbins, and luckily I was. I had wanted to read this book for along time, but I didn’t want to read a book about a triangle and a tomato. This book actually has a storyline with real people in it, and to top it off, the characters are awesome. *as a side note ‘Jitterbug Perfume’ by Tom Robbins is one of my favorite books of all time. Check it out.
Before Sunset is not as good as Before Sunrise, I don’t care what anyone says. Ethan Hawke used to be cute, naïve, and cocky. Now he’s just a bad actor 70% of the time, and a really good actor 15% of the time. The other 15% is TBD.

Oh, and if anyone has any connections as to how I could record a song INSIDE one of Serra’s pieces, I will kiss you a lot.

Until next time.




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